Keywords: Recovery | Protection | Aid
Citation: “Mapping the Yazidi Diaspora in Australia: The International Organization Migration & Yazda Iraq on supporting stability & sustainable returns in Ninawa.” Yazda. January 2022.
Yazda, in partnership with IOM and funded by USAID, has been working with Survivors of genocide living in northern Iraq andthe Sinjar area through the provision of protection services, capacity building for a Yazidi Survivors Network, and awarenessand advocacy through the “Nobody’s Lis-tening” virtual reality experience. One of the main focuses of this project has been the protection programming which, to date, has supported over 200 Survivors of genocide, mass atrocities, and human rights violations in Iraq, currently living in the Sinuni and Sinjar Sub-Districts.
Through this programming, Yazda provides a multifac-eted, community-based protection approach offering case management, individual and group mental health and psychological support (MHPSS) sessions, legal documentation and counseling services and emergency cash support. Between November 2021 and June 2022, Yazda has achieved the following under this programming:
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