
يلعب الإعلام دورًا مهمًا بتسليط الضوء على التزامنا بأن لا تتكرّر الإبادة مجددًا. 

نعمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع شركائنا في وسائل الاعلام لنشر الوعي حول الإبادة الجماعية الإيزيدية.  يزدا مذكورة في العديد من وسائل الإعلام العالمية. شكرًا لشركائنا في وسائل الاعلام لالتزامكم بشكل مواظب بالقضية الإيزيدية. 

نرحب بالاستفسارات من وسائل الإعلام على media@yazda.org

بواسطة Ahmed Burjus ١٤ مارس ٢٠٢٤
The release of this crucial report follows the UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution to extend the mandate of the Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL ( UNITAD ) only until September 2024 ( UNSC resolution 2697/2023 ). The report reflects the concerns and recommendations of Iraqi NGOs and survivors' networks. Yazda, a member of the Coalition for Just Reparations ( C4JR ), joined an alliance of Iraqi NGOs in calling for comprehensive reparations for survivors of atrocity crimes perpetrated during the ISIL conflict in Iraq. In September 2023, prior to the passing of resolution 2697 by the UNSC, Yazda led the publication of a statement endorsed by 50 organizations expressing concerns about the imminent closure of UNITAD. Subsequently, within C4JR, Yazda facilitated consultations with NGOs online and in person, ensuring that their feedback was communicated to the UN, particularly in preparation for the UN Secretary-General's report released in January 2024 on Iraq’s request to receive UNITAD’s evidence. In parallel, Yazda consulted survivors’ networks, including Hope Givers, Survivors Voice Network (SVN), Speicher-1700 NGO, and the Yazidi Survivors Networks (YSN), incorporating their perspectives into the report. Natia Navrouzov, Executive Director at Yazda and co-author of the report, comments: “The report, especially its concrete recommendations, is a testament to the deep knowledge of Iraqi civil society on issues of justice and the lack thereof in Iraq. Iraqi organizations are the experts and should not be ignored. We advocated for the creation of UNITAD but were not involved in its termination. To this day, we have not been presented with a clear strategy from Iraq and the international community regarding the fate and more importantly, the use, of the evidence collected by UNITAD and what comes next. While UNITAD’s completion roadmap, due on 15 March 2024, may provide some answers, we were not meaningfully consulted on it either. Moving forward, we want to be part of the conversation and of the solution.” For the Arabic version of the Press Release, click here . For any inquiries, please contact info@yazda.org ### 300 North 27th Street, Suite C. - Lincoln, Nebraska 68503, USA info@yazda.org - www.yazda.org
بواسطة Ahmed Burjus ٢٢ يناير ٢٠٢٤
22 January 2024 Ceremonies in Baghdad, Solagh and the three villages (Hardan, Kocho and Qney) On 22 January 2024, under the auspice of the Office of the Prime Minister and in the presence of Iraqi and international officials and Yazidi community members, a funeral will be held in Baghdad following the identification of 41 Yazidi victims from Hardan, Kocho and Qney. Following this national-wide ceremony, the remains of the victims will be taken to Sinjar where a local-led ceremony will be organized on 24 January 2024, at the recently inaugurated Yazidi Genocide Memorial in Solagh. During this ceremony, Yazidi religious rituals will be performed. The remains of the victims will be then handed over to their families to allow them to bury them in their respective villages of Hardan, Kocho and Qney. From 24 to 26 January 2024, mourning days will be observed in these three villages and members of the community will be able to visit and pay their respects. The return of the sixth batch of remains and ongoing exhumations The identification of the remains was carried out by the Iraqi Medico-Legal Department (MLD) of Iraqi Ministry of Health, with the assistance of the UN Investigative Team for Accountability of Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD) and the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP). The UN-supported exhumation process in Sinjar started in March 2019 and is ongoing. So far, around 60 mass graves have been exhumed and around 20 still need to be opened. The mass graves in Kocho and Solagh were the first ones to be exhumed from March 2019, followed by Hardan in February 2022 and Qney in June 2022 . This is believed to be the sixth batch of remains of Yazidi victims to be returned to Sinjar and a total of 41 victims were identified. Previously, remains have been returned mainly to Kocho and Solagh and the identification process is still ongoing. Support provided by Yazda and partners As for previous ceremonies, Yazda and other organizations will accompany Yazidi community members during this extremely sensitive time. Yazda has been coordinating the process over the past months with the national authorities and members of the community as well as partners from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), UNITAD and Nadia’s Initiative which will be present to provide support during the ceremonies. From its side, Yazda will deploy different teams to the burial sites. Yazda’s Case Managers will be present to provide psychological support and Yazda’s Mobile Medical Unit will provide medical assistance to the community where needed. Yazda’s Documentation Team will film the official speeches, report on the ceremonies and interview the authorities and partners, including members of the MLD and representatives of UNITAD and ICMP. The community will be invited to provide feedback on the process and report any concerns. Yazda’s Investigation Coordinator and focal point for the event, Ismail Qasim comments: “We have been supporting the process of exhumations over the past 5 years at least and it is far from being done. The crime scenes left by ISIL are countless and necessite joint efforts from all stakeholders involved, including internationals. Therefore, it is crucial that Iraq continues its collaboration with entities such as UNITAD to support the affected communities to recover the remains and bury them in a dignified way." Yazda presents its condolences to all the affected families as well as the wider Yazidi community and reiterates its commitment to work tirelessly in the pursuit of justice and the truth. For the Arabic version of the Press Release, click here .
© Corporate compliance insights
بواسطة Ahmed Burjus ١٨ يناير ٢٠٢٤
Yazda welcomes the decision rendered on the 16 th January, 2024, by the Cour de Cassation, the French Supreme Court, confirming the indictment of Lafarge, now Holcim, for complicity in crimes against humanity. This decision echoes the landmark ruling in this case rendered in September 2021 , which held that any person can be indicted as an accomplice to crimes against humanity, if it knowingly provided support to the perpetrator of such crimes, even in the absence of intent to associate oneself with the commission of their crimes or to adhere to their criminal projects. With this new decision by the Cour de Cassation, the victims of the Syrian and Iraqi conflict are a step closer to justice for the horrors inflicted upon them by ISIS and other terror groups. This decision validates the gravity of the allegations against Lafarge and sends a strong signal that corporations must be held accountable for their actions, especially when they may contribute to crimes against humanity. “Yazda reiterates its commitment to seeking justice for the Yazidi community and other victims of ISIS. As a civil party in the Lafarge case, Yazda will continue to actively participate in the legal proceedings, in the pursuit of truth and accountability,” commented Natia Navrouzov, Legal Advocacy Director at Yazda. “This decision constitutes a significant milestone in these critically important proceedings, which will serve as a landmark for corporate accountability for international crimes. Despite numerous attempts by the defendants to obtain the dismissal of the charges of complicity of crimes against humanity on technicalities, we are now one step closer to having this case heard by a trial court and decided on its merits”, commented Luke Vidal, counsel for Yazda. For the Arabic version of the Press Release, click here . ### 300 North 27th Street, Suite C. - Lincoln, Nebraska 68503, USA info@yazda.org - www.yazda.org
بواسطة Yazda ٢١ يونيو ٢٠٢٣
في قرار تاريخي، أدانت المحكمة الإقليمية العليا في كوبلنز المواطنة الألمانية 'نادين ك. بتهمة المساعدة والتحريض على الإبادة الجماعية والجرائم ضد الإنسانية وجرائم الحرب من أجل استعباد وسوء معاملة امرأة إيزيدية شابة لدعم حملة داعش الوحشية للقضاء على الأقلية الدينية الايزيدية. حكم على عنصر داعش السابق البالغ من العمر 37 عامًا بالسجن 9 سنوات و 3 أشهر. وهذه ثالث إدانة لعنصر من داعش لإرتكابه إبادة جماعية ضد المجتمع الأيزيدي في العراق وسوريا منذ آب / أغسطس 2014.
بواسطة Yazda ١ يونيو ٢٠٢٣
سيقوم كل من فريق الاستجابة السريعة للعدالة (JRR) ويزدا ومؤسسة أمل كلوني للعدالة (CFJ) باستضافة حدث مبتكر مع إتاحة الفرصة لممثلي بعثات الأمم المتحدة المقيمة في جنيف للتفاعل مع الناجيات الإبادة الجماعية ضد الأيزيديين. دلال وحكيمة هن الناجيات اللاتي سيحضرن الحدث، سينعكسن توقعاتهن لمستقبل عملية العدالة والتعبير عن احتياجاتهن غير الملباة لضمان وصول مجتمعهن إلى العدالة بشكل فعال.
يزدا ترحب وتدعم عملیات تنقیب المقابر الجماعية في همدان، سنجار
بواسطة Yazda ٣ مارس ٢٠٢٣
في 5 آذار / مارس 2023 ، ستبدأ مؤسسة الشهداء، السلطة الحكومية العراقية المسؤولة عن تنقیب المقابر الجماعية والتعرف علی هویه‌ الضحايا ، بالتعاون مع اللجنة الدولية لشؤون المفقودين (ICMP) وفريق التحقيق التابع للأمم المتحدة لمحاسبة داعش (UNITAD) ، بتنقیب المقابر الجماعية في قرية همدان على الجانب الجنوبي من جبل سنجار.
الذكرى السنوية الثانية لقانون الناجيات الأيزيديات: الإنجازات والتحديات المتبقية
بواسطة Yazda ١ مارس ٢٠٢٣
يصادف اليوم مرور عامين على إقرار العراق لقانون الناجيات الإيزيديات (YSL) والذي يعتبر قراراً تاريخياً. يمثل إقرار هذا القانون في الأول من مارس 2021 خطوة مهمة في الجهود المبذولة لمعالجة جرائم داعش ضد الإيزيديين والأقليات الأخرى. يضع القانون إطارًا لتقديم تعويضات اقتصادية واجتماعية ورمزية للناجيات الأيزيديات، المسيحيات، الشبكيات والتركمانيات.
بواسطة Yazda ١٥ فبراير ٢٠٢٣
بيان صحفي مشترك من قبل منظمة يزدا وامل كلوني حول محاكمة أول عنصر داعش مشتبه به في هولندا بتهمة ارتكاب جرائم ضد الإيزيديين
محكمة العدل الأتحادية الألمانية تؤكد الاستئناف في أول إدانة ضد أحد عناصر داعش بتهمة الإبادة الجماعية
بواسطة Yazda ٣١ يناير ٢٠٢٣
بيان صحافي لمحامية الضحية أمل كلوني، ناتالي فون فيستنجهاوزن، الدكتور يورغ أوسترل، المنظمة الأيزيدية غير الحكومية، يزدا، والحائزة على جائزة نوبل للسلام، نادية مراد.
رداً على التصويت بالإجماع من قبل مجلس النواب الألماني للاعتراف بالإبادة الجماعية التي ارتكبها داعش ض
بواسطة Yazda ٢٢ يناير ٢٠٢٣
رداً على التصويت بالإجماع من قبل مجلس النواب الألماني للاعتراف بالإبادة الجماعية التي ارتكبها داعش ضد المجتمع الإيزيدي، أصدرت شبكة الناجيات الأيزيديات (YSN) ويزدا البيان التالي:
رؤية المزيد
بواسطة Ahmed Burjus ١٤ مارس ٢٠٢٤
The release of this crucial report follows the UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution to extend the mandate of the Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL ( UNITAD ) only until September 2024 ( UNSC resolution 2697/2023 ). The report reflects the concerns and recommendations of Iraqi NGOs and survivors' networks. Yazda, a member of the Coalition for Just Reparations ( C4JR ), joined an alliance of Iraqi NGOs in calling for comprehensive reparations for survivors of atrocity crimes perpetrated during the ISIL conflict in Iraq. In September 2023, prior to the passing of resolution 2697 by the UNSC, Yazda led the publication of a statement endorsed by 50 organizations expressing concerns about the imminent closure of UNITAD. Subsequently, within C4JR, Yazda facilitated consultations with NGOs online and in person, ensuring that their feedback was communicated to the UN, particularly in preparation for the UN Secretary-General's report released in January 2024 on Iraq’s request to receive UNITAD’s evidence. In parallel, Yazda consulted survivors’ networks, including Hope Givers, Survivors Voice Network (SVN), Speicher-1700 NGO, and the Yazidi Survivors Networks (YSN), incorporating their perspectives into the report. Natia Navrouzov, Executive Director at Yazda and co-author of the report, comments: “The report, especially its concrete recommendations, is a testament to the deep knowledge of Iraqi civil society on issues of justice and the lack thereof in Iraq. Iraqi organizations are the experts and should not be ignored. We advocated for the creation of UNITAD but were not involved in its termination. To this day, we have not been presented with a clear strategy from Iraq and the international community regarding the fate and more importantly, the use, of the evidence collected by UNITAD and what comes next. While UNITAD’s completion roadmap, due on 15 March 2024, may provide some answers, we were not meaningfully consulted on it either. Moving forward, we want to be part of the conversation and of the solution.” For the Arabic version of the Press Release, click here . For any inquiries, please contact info@yazda.org ### 300 North 27th Street, Suite C. - Lincoln, Nebraska 68503, USA info@yazda.org - www.yazda.org
بواسطة Ahmed Burjus ٢٢ يناير ٢٠٢٤
22 January 2024 Ceremonies in Baghdad, Solagh and the three villages (Hardan, Kocho and Qney) On 22 January 2024, under the auspice of the Office of the Prime Minister and in the presence of Iraqi and international officials and Yazidi community members, a funeral will be held in Baghdad following the identification of 41 Yazidi victims from Hardan, Kocho and Qney. Following this national-wide ceremony, the remains of the victims will be taken to Sinjar where a local-led ceremony will be organized on 24 January 2024, at the recently inaugurated Yazidi Genocide Memorial in Solagh. During this ceremony, Yazidi religious rituals will be performed. The remains of the victims will be then handed over to their families to allow them to bury them in their respective villages of Hardan, Kocho and Qney. From 24 to 26 January 2024, mourning days will be observed in these three villages and members of the community will be able to visit and pay their respects. The return of the sixth batch of remains and ongoing exhumations The identification of the remains was carried out by the Iraqi Medico-Legal Department (MLD) of Iraqi Ministry of Health, with the assistance of the UN Investigative Team for Accountability of Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD) and the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP). The UN-supported exhumation process in Sinjar started in March 2019 and is ongoing. So far, around 60 mass graves have been exhumed and around 20 still need to be opened. The mass graves in Kocho and Solagh were the first ones to be exhumed from March 2019, followed by Hardan in February 2022 and Qney in June 2022 . This is believed to be the sixth batch of remains of Yazidi victims to be returned to Sinjar and a total of 41 victims were identified. Previously, remains have been returned mainly to Kocho and Solagh and the identification process is still ongoing. Support provided by Yazda and partners As for previous ceremonies, Yazda and other organizations will accompany Yazidi community members during this extremely sensitive time. Yazda has been coordinating the process over the past months with the national authorities and members of the community as well as partners from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), UNITAD and Nadia’s Initiative which will be present to provide support during the ceremonies. From its side, Yazda will deploy different teams to the burial sites. Yazda’s Case Managers will be present to provide psychological support and Yazda’s Mobile Medical Unit will provide medical assistance to the community where needed. Yazda’s Documentation Team will film the official speeches, report on the ceremonies and interview the authorities and partners, including members of the MLD and representatives of UNITAD and ICMP. The community will be invited to provide feedback on the process and report any concerns. Yazda’s Investigation Coordinator and focal point for the event, Ismail Qasim comments: “We have been supporting the process of exhumations over the past 5 years at least and it is far from being done. The crime scenes left by ISIL are countless and necessite joint efforts from all stakeholders involved, including internationals. Therefore, it is crucial that Iraq continues its collaboration with entities such as UNITAD to support the affected communities to recover the remains and bury them in a dignified way." Yazda presents its condolences to all the affected families as well as the wider Yazidi community and reiterates its commitment to work tirelessly in the pursuit of justice and the truth. For the Arabic version of the Press Release, click here .
© Corporate compliance insights
بواسطة Ahmed Burjus ١٨ يناير ٢٠٢٤
Yazda welcomes the decision rendered on the 16 th January, 2024, by the Cour de Cassation, the French Supreme Court, confirming the indictment of Lafarge, now Holcim, for complicity in crimes against humanity. This decision echoes the landmark ruling in this case rendered in September 2021 , which held that any person can be indicted as an accomplice to crimes against humanity, if it knowingly provided support to the perpetrator of such crimes, even in the absence of intent to associate oneself with the commission of their crimes or to adhere to their criminal projects. With this new decision by the Cour de Cassation, the victims of the Syrian and Iraqi conflict are a step closer to justice for the horrors inflicted upon them by ISIS and other terror groups. This decision validates the gravity of the allegations against Lafarge and sends a strong signal that corporations must be held accountable for their actions, especially when they may contribute to crimes against humanity. “Yazda reiterates its commitment to seeking justice for the Yazidi community and other victims of ISIS. As a civil party in the Lafarge case, Yazda will continue to actively participate in the legal proceedings, in the pursuit of truth and accountability,” commented Natia Navrouzov, Legal Advocacy Director at Yazda. “This decision constitutes a significant milestone in these critically important proceedings, which will serve as a landmark for corporate accountability for international crimes. Despite numerous attempts by the defendants to obtain the dismissal of the charges of complicity of crimes against humanity on technicalities, we are now one step closer to having this case heard by a trial court and decided on its merits”, commented Luke Vidal, counsel for Yazda. For the Arabic version of the Press Release, click here . ### 300 North 27th Street, Suite C. - Lincoln, Nebraska 68503, USA info@yazda.org - www.yazda.org
بواسطة Yazda ٢١ يونيو ٢٠٢٣
في قرار تاريخي، أدانت المحكمة الإقليمية العليا في كوبلنز المواطنة الألمانية 'نادين ك. بتهمة المساعدة والتحريض على الإبادة الجماعية والجرائم ضد الإنسانية وجرائم الحرب من أجل استعباد وسوء معاملة امرأة إيزيدية شابة لدعم حملة داعش الوحشية للقضاء على الأقلية الدينية الايزيدية. حكم على عنصر داعش السابق البالغ من العمر 37 عامًا بالسجن 9 سنوات و 3 أشهر. وهذه ثالث إدانة لعنصر من داعش لإرتكابه إبادة جماعية ضد المجتمع الأيزيدي في العراق وسوريا منذ آب / أغسطس 2014.
بواسطة Yazda ١ يونيو ٢٠٢٣
سيقوم كل من فريق الاستجابة السريعة للعدالة (JRR) ويزدا ومؤسسة أمل كلوني للعدالة (CFJ) باستضافة حدث مبتكر مع إتاحة الفرصة لممثلي بعثات الأمم المتحدة المقيمة في جنيف للتفاعل مع الناجيات الإبادة الجماعية ضد الأيزيديين. دلال وحكيمة هن الناجيات اللاتي سيحضرن الحدث، سينعكسن توقعاتهن لمستقبل عملية العدالة والتعبير عن احتياجاتهن غير الملباة لضمان وصول مجتمعهن إلى العدالة بشكل فعال.
يزدا ترحب وتدعم عملیات تنقیب المقابر الجماعية في همدان، سنجار
بواسطة Yazda ٣ مارس ٢٠٢٣
في 5 آذار / مارس 2023 ، ستبدأ مؤسسة الشهداء، السلطة الحكومية العراقية المسؤولة عن تنقیب المقابر الجماعية والتعرف علی هویه‌ الضحايا ، بالتعاون مع اللجنة الدولية لشؤون المفقودين (ICMP) وفريق التحقيق التابع للأمم المتحدة لمحاسبة داعش (UNITAD) ، بتنقیب المقابر الجماعية في قرية همدان على الجانب الجنوبي من جبل سنجار.
الذكرى السنوية الثانية لقانون الناجيات الأيزيديات: الإنجازات والتحديات المتبقية
بواسطة Yazda ١ مارس ٢٠٢٣
يصادف اليوم مرور عامين على إقرار العراق لقانون الناجيات الإيزيديات (YSL) والذي يعتبر قراراً تاريخياً. يمثل إقرار هذا القانون في الأول من مارس 2021 خطوة مهمة في الجهود المبذولة لمعالجة جرائم داعش ضد الإيزيديين والأقليات الأخرى. يضع القانون إطارًا لتقديم تعويضات اقتصادية واجتماعية ورمزية للناجيات الأيزيديات، المسيحيات، الشبكيات والتركمانيات.
بواسطة Yazda ١٥ فبراير ٢٠٢٣
بيان صحفي مشترك من قبل منظمة يزدا وامل كلوني حول محاكمة أول عنصر داعش مشتبه به في هولندا بتهمة ارتكاب جرائم ضد الإيزيديين
محكمة العدل الأتحادية الألمانية تؤكد الاستئناف في أول إدانة ضد أحد عناصر داعش بتهمة الإبادة الجماعية
بواسطة Yazda ٣١ يناير ٢٠٢٣
بيان صحافي لمحامية الضحية أمل كلوني، ناتالي فون فيستنجهاوزن، الدكتور يورغ أوسترل، المنظمة الأيزيدية غير الحكومية، يزدا، والحائزة على جائزة نوبل للسلام، نادية مراد.
رداً على التصويت بالإجماع من قبل مجلس النواب الألماني للاعتراف بالإبادة الجماعية التي ارتكبها داعش ض
بواسطة Yazda ٢٢ يناير ٢٠٢٣
رداً على التصويت بالإجماع من قبل مجلس النواب الألماني للاعتراف بالإبادة الجماعية التي ارتكبها داعش ضد المجتمع الإيزيدي، أصدرت شبكة الناجيات الأيزيديات (YSN) ويزدا البيان التالي:
رؤية المزيد
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